Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Spring Cleaning

See!  This is exactly why I didn't want to blog in the first place!  It's been two months since my last post.  I feel like such a failure....almost.

So, the husband is offshore and my orthopedic surgeon has given me the thumbs up to "do whatever I want" in regards to my broken arm.  Yay!  So, this created an avalanche of ideas in my head.  I have to get the veggie garden planted, finish crochet projects I started before the 'incident', redesign the twins bedrooms, dust the ceiling fans, wash the base boards, add extra shelves to the laundry room and pantry, put together the twins summer homeschooling curriculum and finish the various Pinterest projects I have laying around in various states of completion.

I will really do just about ANYTHING to avoid going back into the workforce, won't I?  Yes.  Yes, I will.

 The veggie garden is weeded, but not yet planted, I've finished most of my crochet projects, I have bedding for the twins rooms (but no idea for paint, wall decor or shelves), ceiling fans will have to wait till tomorrow, base board cleaning will be a great opportunity for the twins to earn some scratch, shelves for the laundry room and pantry...I think I'll defer to the husband for that one, homeschooling curriculum will be an all-day thing for next week...blah blah blah....BUT....I finished a Pinterest project today!

I KNOW!!!  I'm just as excited as you!  I'm fodder for Bill Maher's genius stand-up, that's for sure, but I feel accomplished and that's all that matters!

I made THAT wreath.  You know the one.  The terra cotta pot wreath!  It's all over Pinterest and it's FABULOUS!  Plus, it's easy.  So, go ahead and buy some supplies, slap one together and feel as accomplished as I do.  You won't be sorry.  Next thing you know, you'll be making black bean brownies and avocado chocolate pudding (coincidentally, my next fun recipe to try).

1 comment:

  1. Leanne, you crack me up. Your blogs are both comedic AND informative. Anything you need help with, let me know.
